Good Shepherd Catholic Church and School, in union with the whole Catholic Church, is committed to protecting the most precious among us. Our Safe Environment program uses the VIRTUS platform.
All clergy and parish, school and diocesan employees, as well as all volunteers who have either regular or unsupervised interaction with minors, must complete the following:
Background Check –The background check is run by an archdiocese-approved agency and provides a criminal history. This is an important step to screen out individuals who might present a danger to children and youth.
Safe Environment Training: Protecting God’s Children for Adults Awareness Session – Online training is a 75-minute video/questions program that better equips adults to protect children and youth in the world around them.
Code of Conduct – A person must acknowledge that he or she understands and agrees to the principles and standards outlined in the code of conduct appropriate to his or her ministry.
Contact Sarah Laman, Good Shepherd Catholic Church and School Safe Environment Coordinator at 763-544-0416 ext.810 or [email protected]
More information from the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis
If a minor is in imminent danger, call your local law enforcement or 911
If you suspect abuse of a minor, your first call should be to law enforcement. Hennepin County Sheriff: PHONE: 612-348-3744
If you or someone you know has been sexually abused, your first call should be to law enforcement. Hennepin County Sheriff: PHONE: 612-348-3744
If you suspect child abuse within a family, you should call your local child protection agency. Hennepin County Family Services: 612-348-3552
If you or someone you know has been abused, exploited or harassed by a priest, deacon, or a Church employee or volunteer, you are encouraged to contact Victim/Survivor Assistance at (651) 291-4497.