Providing for the material needs of the parish is first and foremost a sign of gratitude to the Lord for his many blessings—giving back to God a small portion of what he has given us. Making financial contributions to the parish is also a fulfillment of a precept of the Church: "The faithful also have the duty of providing for the material needs of the Church, each according to his abilities." We need the support of the faithful to carry out our mission of making Jesus Christ known, loved, and served.
At Good Shepherd, we are happy to offer electronic giving, allowing you to set up one-time or recurring payments from your checking account, savings account, debit card, or credit card. With electronic giving, your contributions are automatically deposited to the parish account on a regular schedule. This is helpful for many reasons: it eliminates frequent check writing, saving you time and effort; it reduces the volume of check and cash contributions that must be manually processed in the church office, saving our staff and volunteers time and effort and eliminating opportunities for error; it eliminates the cost of postage for those who typically mail in their checks; and it ensures your contribution makes it to us even if you can’t. Plus, it helps you to make an intentional decision about consistent giving. If you have more questions about electronic giving, feel free to call the parish office (763.544.0416) or read our FAQs linked below.
As you consider your year-end charitable contributions, we hope that Good Shepherd Church and School will be at the top of your list. Your contributions directly support the various ministries and liturgical life at our parish.
A reminder that all 2024 contributions must be postmarked by December 31, 2024, received in the collection on December 29th or received at the parish office before 6:00 pm on December 31, 2024. Any donations post-marked or received January 1, 2025 or thereafter will be considered 2025 donations. Thank you for your continued generosity to our parish community.